It’s time to reclaim yourself and your sense of purpose. You’ve worked hard to climb up from that rabbit hole you found yourself in last month. Honestly, you’ve been pretty graceful about the whole thing. Good on you.
You’ve regained a small amount of inner balance. Now, it’s just a matter of fully trusting yourself. You seem unsure of the choices and options available to you.
It’s true, they’re not all ideal right now for one (good) reason or another. If you’re willing, look a little closer, you will find there is one that is a good mix of “just right for now.”
What’s causing your confidence to waiver, Earth Signs? This would have been something you jumped right into in the past. Why so unsure?
Oh, I get it! You don’t want to risk losing your balance – so you’re feeling a bit paralyzed. Okay. Just a friendly reminder – the only thing worse then losing your balance is being paralyzed. So, what will it take to help you loosen the reigns and take a leap of faith?
Here’s the thing Earth Signs, if you stay where you are - holding steady & paralyzed - you’ll miss out on the great divine mystery unfolding in your life. That would stink! There is something seriously amazing waiting just ahead for you.
I know you want to choose wisely. Impulsivity is not your strong suit. Let's get real for a minute. You're an Earth Sign, you would never create options that aren’t at least, on a basic level, safe enough! So no matter what you choose nothing terrible is going to happen. Choosing, however, will free you up! Once that energy shifts a whole new possibility can emerge. And, ultimately, Earth Signs, what you’re craving is possibility!
Angel Messages: “You along with the Sun, Earth, Mood and stars are part of one creation, a divine mystery is unfolding each moment. Be present and feel the power of now. Be in the moment and witness the wonder of it all."
Words: Life Purpose. Joy. Past Life.
Meditation: Infinite possibilities.
Healing Crystals: Opal. Lapis Lazuli. Amazonite.
Card Credits
Healing Angel Cards: Loving Guidance from the Angels - Toni Carmine Salerno
Crystal Reading Cards - Rachelle Charman
Light Seer’s Tarot – Chris Ann
Wisdom of the Oracle Divination Cards - Colette Baron-Reid
Disclaimer: All suggested resources are publicly accessible sites we believe contain valuable information. We are not affiliated, or otherwise paid to promote or advertise other services. We encourage viewers to use discretion and access resources that resonate personally for you.
Loved the meditation.. I’m not so good at releasing my thoughts and focusing.. This was the best experience I’ve had.. I’m ready to go again!💕